An intreXis AG power supply complies, in addition to the general industrial EMC-standards, to application-specific standards. Especially for railway-, medical- and military-applications, we have a great experience.
The variety of different standards is huge:
EN61000-4-2 Electrostatic discharge: ±8kV air-discharge and ±6kV contact-discharge; EN61000-4-3 Radio-frequency electromagnetic field immunity: 20V/m, 80-1000MHz; EN61000-4-4 Fast transients: ±2kV; EN61000-4-5 Surges: ±2kV line to ground, ±1kV line to line; EN61000-4-6 Radio-frequency common mode immunity: 10Vrms, 0.15-80MHz; EN61000-4-8 Power frequency magnetic field immunity test: 30A/m; EN61000-4-11 Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations immunity tests: 30-100% at 10-50ms ok without battery at nominal load; EN55011 Conducted Emission: class A+B; EN55011 Radiated emission: Class A+B; EN61000-3-2 Limits for harmonics (active PFC); EN61000-3-3 Limitation of voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker ; MIL-STD 461D/462D...
Benefit from our know-how and give us a call! >>
Driven by our passion for technology and performance, here at intreXis, we are constantly researching ways to develop more efficient and improved solutions for our products.That is why intreXis Power Supplies now provides the most complete portfolio for railway applications on the market today.