Standard DC/DC Converter for Railway-Application - Open frame

The intreXis Boardnet Converter Platform is a new definition of high-performance DC-DC Converters in the power range from 30 to 100 W. With its ultra-wide input voltage range of 14.4 VDC to 154 VDC and up to 96% efficiency, the new intreXis Converter generation sets a new benchmark for DC-DC Converters designed for railway applications . As Openframe Version, without case, the Converter can be mounted very space safing into Passagier Informations Systeme (PIS), Terminals and similar applications.

Ultra Wide input (>10:1), super flat 30 W dc/dc converter

PicturePart numberInput voltage
Input voltage
Output 1Output 2Download
IC251_224,36,48,72,110 VDC14.4...154 V+12V/30W PDF
IC252_224,36,48,72,110 VDC14.4...154 V+15V/30W PDF
IC253_224,36,48,72,110 VDC14.4...154 V+24V/30W PDF

Ultra Wide input (>10:1), super flat 50 W dc/dc converter

PicturePart numberInput voltage
Input voltage
Output 1Output 2Download
IC271_224,36,48,72,110 VDC14.4...154 V+12V/50W PDF
IC272_224,36,48,72,110 VDC14.4...154 V+15V/50W PDF
IC273_224,36,48,72,110 VDC14.4...154 V+24V/50W PDF

Ultra Wide input (>10:1), super compact 100 W dc/dc converter

Picture Part number Input voltage
Input voltage
Output 1 Output 2 Download
IC371_2 24,36,48,72,110 VDC 14.4...154 V +12V/100W   PDF


24,36,48,72,110 VDC 14.4...154 V +24V/100W   PDF
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About Intrexis

Power Supplies for Railway Applications

Driven by our passion for technology and performance, here at intreXis, we are constantly researching ways to develop more efficient and improved solutions for our products. That is why intreXis Power Supplies now provides the most complete portfolio for railway applications on the market today.