About intreXis

For the construction of the new intreXis headquarters and logistics centre, intreXis focused on a highly ecological design. This starts already at the foundations, which were built from glass foam. Glass foam is made of recycled products by a 100%, saves natural resources and provides highest thermal insulation. This allows to heat the entire building with a energy-saving thermal heat pump. A ventilation system with heat recovery assures that the precious heat is not spoilt during airing. On a sunny day, the photovoltaic system on the roof generates enough electricity to cover the whole energy-consumption of intreXis.

Since the building is situated directly at an air-corridor of bats, special emphasis was put on the exterior light emission, in order to not disturb the animals. Appropriate landscaping in agreement with the local flora and fauna supports actively the existing network structure. The undertaken measures were rounded off with the installation of a big bat-box on the facade.

The new intreXis-headquarter is indeed a perfect example for ecological building!


The intreXis headquarter and logistics centre is only 300m away from the largest waterfall in Europe. The falls are 150 metres wide and 23 metres high, and about 700 cubic meters of water pass over the precipice every second. Board the narrow boat that braves the waves to take you to the cliffs situated in the middle of the Rhine or walk from Castle Laufen up to the “Känzeli” outlook point – the roaring masses of water are a magnificent sight both in brilliant sunshine and when cloaked by a mystical shroud of mist.


The warehouse with active stock management and buffer stock guarantees just in time delivery within 24 h.


What you can build with our power supplies.


All you need to know about our power supplies.


What you can expect of our power supplies.

About Intrexis

Power Supplies for Railway Applications

Driven by our passion for technology and performance, here at intreXis, we are constantly researching ways to develop more efficient and improved solutions for our products. That is why intreXis Power Supplies now provides the most complete portfolio for railway applications on the market today.